Yao Dao Project Publications

Estevez, Joseba, 2019. “On becoming a ritual expert among the Lanten Yao Mun of Laos,” in Platenkamp, J.D.M. & Schneider, A. (eds.) Integrating Strangers in Society: Perspectives from Elsewhere. Palgrave Macmillan

___2016a. “Learning ‘shamanistic healing’ among the Lanten (Yao Mun) of Laos.” Photo essay in Oliver Tappe et al eds.,  Global Modernities and the (Re)Emergence of Ghosts, special online issue of the Global South Studies Center, Cologne (GSSCC), Germany          

___2016b. “Healing and cursing among the Lanten (Yao Mun) of Laos,” in L. Prager,  M. Prager & G. Sprenger eds. Parts and Wholes: Essays on Social Morphology, Cosmology, and Exchange in Honour of J.D.M. Platenkamp. Münster: Lit Verlag

Estevez, Joseba, and Khantamaly Yangnouvong (eds.). 2020. The Lanten Stories [13 volumes] Vientiane: National Library of Laos, Phankam Jampa

Palmer, David A., 2019. “Cosmology, Gender, Structure, and Rhythm: Marcel Granet and Chinese Religion in the History of Social Theory”, in Review of Religion and Chinese Society 6(2):160-187


Estevez, Joseba. Forthcoming a. ‘The Lanten Manuscripts: Ritual Objects in the Transmission of Ritual Knowledge’, in Manuscript Cultures. Hamburg: Centre of the Study of Manuscript Cultures

___Forthcoming b. “Conquering Demons, Taming the Forest: The Lanten Priests and Masters”, Ph. D. in social anthropology under the supervision of Josephus Platenkamp, University of Münster

___Forthcoming c. ‘On the Lanten Methods to Fetch the Hon or Living Force of the Original Rice’, in David Holm (ed.) Sinoxenic Workshop Conference Volume

Estevez, Joseba, and Palmer, David A., forthcoming. ‘Ritual, War, and Opium: Infrastructural Sedimentations in the Ethnohistory of the Mun (Lanten Yao) of Laos’, in Modern Asian Studies.

Guo, Huiwen. Forthcoming. “The Dujie Ordination Ritual of the Lanten Yao of Laos: a Study of the Anlong and Nanling Rites”, M. Phil thesis under the supervision of Tam Wai-lun, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, to be submitted in 2021.

Palmer, David A., Guo Huiwen, and An Wei, forthcoming.《老撾藍靛瑤文庫》:探討文本收集、分類、編目和評估的方法與相關問題 [The Lanten Yao Texts of Laos: Some Issues in the Collection, Classification, cataloguing and Evaluation of Manuscripts]. In  Studies in Chinese Religions 華人宗教研究. Taibei: The Center for the Study of Chinese Religion, National Chengchi University.

Tse, M.H. Martin 謝孟謙. Forthcoming. 藍靛瑤對道教儀式框架的應用——分析破獄儀式的文本 [The Application of the Daoist Ritual Framework among the Lanten Yao: Textual Analysis on the Ritual Texts of “Attack on Hell”], in  Studies in Chinese Religions 華人宗教研究. Taibei: The Center for the Study of Chinese Religion, National Chengchi University